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Help! I Feel Stuck in My Career

Feeling trapped in a job often stems from various factors, such as the fear of financial instability or the belief that switching careers would be too risky. Similarly, witnessing your company diverge from its core values can evoke feelings of disillusionment and powerlessness. You may feel morally conflicted, struggling to reconcile your personal ethics with the actions or decisions of your employer. In these situations, the sense of being trapped or powerless can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression.

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The Career Counseling Process

Career counseling is new territory for many people. Below are five phases of career counseling: intake, preparation, job search strategies, landing the job, and maintenance. Keep in mind the counseling process will be specifically tailored to meet your needs—not everyone needs the “full menu” to make a career change.

Here’s what to expect.

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5 Reasons to Hire a Career Counselor

When you consider how many waking hours you spend at work, hiring a career counselor is a sound investment in you and your future. A skilled career counselor uses tools and techniques to help you move toward a more fulfilling career. They are experts on jobs and the labor market, professional development, and the job search; plus, they have extensive training in counseling techniques. Here are five common situations where a job seeker could benefit from career counseling.

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